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Child's Full Name
Name of Person Enrolling Child
Relationship to Child
Can we text this number?
First Emergency Contact Name
Authorized to Pick up Child?
Can we text this phone number?
Second Emergency Contact Name
Authorized to Pick up Child?
Can we text this phone number?
Third Emergency Contact Name
Authorized to Pick up Child?
Can we text this phone number?
Child's Full Name
Check the boxes below to indicate if your child has any special needs/services:
Child's Primary Care Physician's Name:
Parent/Guardian Name
Agreement: I consent to emergency medical treatment for my child.
I consent for my child to take part in neighborhood trips (i,e., library, park and playground) away from the program under proper supervision.
I understand the program may need additional permissions for situations such as transportation, medication, release of information, and field trips.
I provided information on my child's special needs to the program to assist in caring for my child.
I understand the program must give parents, at the time of enrollment of a child, a written policy statement as required by regulation.
I agree to review and update this information whenever a change occurs and at least once every year.
Permission & Agreement